Project Bytesgate

Open Source Pretext Collection

What is a pretext ?
A pretext is a made-up story that social engineers use to convince a victim to reveal secret information or take a malicious action.

New Voicemail

Services like Google Voice email their users when they receive a new voicemail. Often, the...

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Covid19 Pandemic Loan

The US Small Business Administration providing business owners with a form to fill out to apply for...

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Medical Test Results 

A victim receives an unsolicited email containing medical analysis data from a medical office...

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Missed Zoom Meeting Notification

Zoom users receive an email stating they missed a meeting and are provided a link...

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Updated Terms of Services

Users are required to accept the updated terms of service in order to continue using a service...

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Linkedln Invitation Waiting

Reminder email from LinkedIn stating that someone sent the target an invitation to connect...

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Web Browser

The IT department requires employees to run software to check their web browsers for newly...

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Intern Meeting with

As part of an internship, the CEO will speak with each intern for 30 minutes. Interns...

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Salary Renegotiation Process

The Human Resources (HR) department is conducting salary renegotiation conversations...

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Link Disguised as Attachment

An email references an attachment; however, the "attachment" is really just CSS hiding...

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A new industry conference is looking for speakers/panelists about a topic related to the...

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WebEx Security Vulnerability

WebEx users and account administrators receive an email stating WebEx has a critical..

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